The Best Day Ever!
Our daily routine helps to establish normalcy and routine. A routine brings comfort and consistency to a child’s life. It helps ease and empower their curious minds and prepare them for their next adventure. Our daily schedule allow for active and quiet times. It is important to have ample opportunities to engage in learning experiences with peers, teachers, and independently. Our daily schedule meets the needs of your child with the following:

Creative Play
Children work independently or in small groups in learning stations including, creative art, writing, math and science, blocks, dramatic play at more.

Meals & Snack Time
While eating meals and health snacks teaches children about community and responsibility. We encourage healthy eating habits during meals while teaching children important social skills.

Circle Time
Children and teachers begin the day reviewing the calendar, weather, and theme for the day. This encourages communication skills as well as listening and following directions.

Quiet / Rest Time
Children are provided with a quiet, peaceful time to relax and recharge.

Children learn physical development, coordination, health, team building and crucial social skills through time outside on our beautiful playground enjoying the fresh air.

Large Group
Children work together with their peers to innovate, explore, and problem solve through project based learning activities.